Thursday, 4 August 2016

An afternoon dedicated to mending books

6 May 2016

An afternoon dedicated to mending books

Over time I have slowly been collecting library books that were in need of repair under my desk, before I realised it the box was over flowing and I knew that Lorraine was in need. Not only for book repairs but to also teach the Library Monitors how it is done. 

Lorraine is a very helpful lady from Red Circle who teaches librarians how to repair damaged books. I booked an appointment with her so she could come and teach the library monitors from Grade 7 how to fix and mend books. She arrived with her little red “first aid kit” box filled with anything and everything imaginable and unimaginable that can be used to fix books. Lorraine immediately connected with Cameron, Rayne and Gina and they were put to work at once. The library monitors found Lorraine quite entertaining and enthusiastic as she has quite a jovial personality. We spent a good amount of time being taught how to repair different types of damages i.e. spine damage, torn pages, loose pages and even how to clean books. 

Did you know that you can fix torn pages with a bit of cold glue and grease proof paper? Genius! 

After an hour of chatting and repairing, Lorraine then introduced an effective book covering skill which the girls found very helpful. I have taught the girls how to cover books but at the same time it is always lovely having someone new come in with an exciting energy to keep them interested. Now that Rayne, Gina and Cameron have learnt a new skill, the books will be repaired sooner and will be put back on the shelf for children to read where they belong.