Thursday, 3 November 2016

The Travelling Book Shop came to visit

On Thursday the 27th and Friday the 28th of October the Travelling Book shop came to visit. They had new books on sale which the children were very excited about. The fantastic thing about having the Travelling Book shop here is that the library benefits in a positive way by getting commission on the total books sold. Last year we were allowed to choose over five hundred rands worth of books and this year we could choose three hundred and sixty rands worth of books. This amount does not sound like much however since the books are priced very reasonably we get quite a decent amount of books in return. The library is in need of new reference/resource books for project purposes so I took the opportunity to choose reference/resource books for this exact purpose as opposed to choosing fiction books which the children usually request.

Here are photos of the Grade 3's visiting the Travelling Book Shop.